Green bay located in District Pesanggaran Sarongan precisely in the village. Located about 90 km south of the city of Banyuwangi. To reach this beach of Banyuwangi we just follow the directions to Pesanggaran-Sarongan-Sukamade are still one lane route leading to the beach Sukamade Merubetiri National Park.
Green Bay has a unique white sand smooth and easily attached to the skin. Gulf which has panoramic sea water is green with white sand and 8 meter high waterfall. At the end of the west and east also contained rocks. Having a crystal clear sea water and greenish and a beautiful atmosphere makes anyone who saw amazed. Here we can swim or just play dipantainya water. On the east side there is a waterfall freshwater discharge that are commonly used ffor rinse and body after swimming beach. For those who like camping location is also good enough to set up a tent.
For vehicles can be parked near the beach Rajagwesi then walked toward the green bay as far as +/- 2km. There is also a parking spot closer to green bay, tp road to be traversed in the form of a very broken way.
direction towards green bay is clear enough, so do not be afraid to stray.
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